All in Decor

Personal Style At Home

Look at what you’re wearing right now. Or better yet, think about your favorite outfit. Now look at how your living room is decorated. Does it match your personal style? So often, I meet stylish people who haven’t taken the same amount of care in designing their home. I love Auntie Oprah’s saying..”your home should rise up to meet when you walk in the door.” Is that how you feel when you come into your home?

How Much Will It Cost?

One of the most frequently questions I am asked is “how much will this cost?” Well of course it varies with every project, but a good rule of thumb when planning for a renovation is to expect the labor to cost just as much, if not more than your materials.

Why You Shouldn't Hire An Interior Designer

This may come as a shock coming from an interior designer, but full-service interior design is not for everyone.

Having a beautiful home that fits your style and budget IS for everyone, but that doesn't mean that you need to hire an interior designer. In fact, there are certain types of people who should save their coins and apply them elsewhere. Keep reading to find out who...

Black Panther: Bring Wakanda to Your Home

In case you've been living under a rock, Black Panther is debuting this week in theaters everywhere this week!

To say I'm excited about this movie would be an understatement. I've literally been counting down for this movie for about a year. Ever since I got a glimpse of T'Challa in Captain American: Civil War, I've been dreaming about what Wakanda, the home of King T'CHalla is like. 

You're going to leave the theater so inspired that you may want to bring some of Wakanda into your home!