All in Design Education

What Goes Into A Complete Home Renovation?

Have you ever watched a home renovation show and thought "I could do that." Maybe after you then begin thinking about all of the work that goes into a home renovation and quickly changed your mind.

There are many reasons why homeowners might choose to renovate their homes. Maybe their family has grown and they need the extra space. Or maybe you are just tired of the same old space.

Before You Enroll in Design School, Read This

Over on Instagram, I get a lot of DM questions about how to become a designer and whether or not one should pursue formal education in order to provide interior design services to clients.

As someone who completed a bachelor’s degree in interior design as a second bachelor’s degree, you would think that I am firmly PRO interior design education. If you haven’t, go back and read my whole design journey story here.

But to be completely honest, I lean more towards the opposite response. Don’t get me wrong, I am absolutely proud that I completed my degree program and I’m so grateful for the education and nurturing I received at Meredith College. However, the interior design industry as a whole is changing so quickly and what most aspiring designers desire to do for a living is NOT what is taught in design school.

How I Became an Interior Designer

I recently realized that I have never shared my story of how I became an interior designer here on the blog. I get asked this question constantly by aspiring designers, and quite frankly, there is no short answer to give! This long story starts back in 2007. I was a senior at UNC Chapel Hill and after years of preparing to go to medical school, the reality set in that I was graduating in a few months and I did NOT want to apply...

Where I've Been...

Well, "Where haven't I been?" is a better question. In 2014, I was working full-time and in-school part-time, I lived in 3 different residences, had 3 different jobs and lived in 2 states. Yep, I moved back to Raleigh, North Carolina in November and I am loving being back in my home