Coming Soon
It’s hard to believe we’re nearly a month into 2021.
What a year 2020 was! I think we all just held on tight and weathered the highs, lows, and bumps along the ride. I’m so grateful to say that I along with my loved ones weathered the storm without too much damage, but it truly breaks my heart that we went through so much to make it here!
Photography by Chris Charles
I don’t know about you, but I had a whole plan for 2020 that quickly went out the window as we all transitioned into mask-wearing, social distancing, racial tension and presidential election madness. Some days I couldn’t believe that our reality was actually happening!
And then there were the unexpected blessings! My business actually flourished after the initial hesitation of those who were nervous about losing their jobs came to realize they would be ok. Being forced to stay at home made many realize that those tasks that they had put on hold needed to be put on the forefront and they reached out for help with their homes. I can’t wait to get some of the spaces we completed photographed and share them with you soon.
Photography by Chris Charles
And then the biggest blessing I never could have planned… a baby girl on the way! If you’re reading this, that means that she hasn’t yet made her arrival but she’s due any day now! I made the decision not to share on the blog or social media until now because honestly, it’s been so peaceful going through the amazing journey of pregnancy without extra eyes and input. God is so amazing and I don’t know how anyone could experience the miracle of pregnancy without being in awe of this process only He could have designed.
I can’t wait to share new content with y’all as a wife, mom, and business owner! Thank you to each and every one of you who has been rocking with me through the years.
One of the things that 2020 put on hold was the launch of my new interior design firm! When I started SingleBubblePop it was just a blog, and in 2018 when I jumped quickly into entrepreneurship, I kept that name and branding because it was significant to me. As I’ve grown as a designer, woman and business owner, I realize that that name no longer reflects the interior design services that we offer. With much thought and prayer, I came to the decision to completely separate my interior design company from the blog as McNeill Brown Interior Design.
Stay tuned as we’re planning to have a virtual launch party AFTER baby girl and I have maternity leave until the spring. Make sure you’re on our email list so that you don’t miss out on the announcement.
Until then, xoxo Niki