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more pics: san gimignano

My second stop on Saturday was the town of San Gimignano. This town was really cute, but not as awesome as Sienna. I could live in Sienna, San Gimignano is definitely just a get-away/vacation type town.

view of the city from my bus window...
san gimignano is up in the hills of tuscany.

climbing up the hill to the center of town.

the perimeter of the city as we were walking up to the center....

the center of San Gimignano!
S. Gimignano is known for these towers,
they represented the wealthiest families of the town.
Once a family lost their money though, their tower was torn down.
at one point there were 70+ towers in this tiny town!
it probably looked like NYC from the tuscan countryside...

here's a video of what it was like walking into the city center!
notice the guy playing the guitar in the background.....

there were tons of street performers in this city, and everything was especially clean,
so the whole town kind of felt like an amusement park!
this was just one of a few harp players we saw....

....puppeteer and musician...

...random guy getting down on the flute in hammer pants!

we climbed up this step of very STEEP steps to a lookout point....

...where u could see what looked like all of tuscany!!
the girls i was with were all scared to sit up here because there was a straight drop about 6 inches behind me.... lol

this was just a statue near another overlook of the countryside...
side note: san gimignano is known for its great gelato,
a fruitcake like pastry called paneforte,
and a great white wine that's kind of sparkling called vernaccia.
we got free samples of each every time we went into a store...
and i bought some of each for only like 20 euro total!!

fresh rosemary was growing all over...
the whole town just smelled like gelato, great italian food and fresh herbs!

by this time the sun was on its way down so it was time to head back to Florence...
it really was a perfect saturday.
this is my friend mckenzie being cool :)
i cannot wait till the next day trip we take!
hope you enjoyed the pictures and i hope your weekend was great too!!

Ciao! ;)

"oggi faccio pollo fritte perla cena"

i LOVE sienna