So after seeing this video yesterday over at herfection and then again on kanye's blog. I wanted to look up this artist David Garibaldi.
This former grafitti artist started creating paintings during live shows in 2003. He calls his show "Rhythm and Hue" and tours all over America doing his thing. It looks like his energy is CRAZY during his shows. I'd love to see him live. What I love most about this artist is that he does many of his shows to benefit charities. As a young artist, most just focus on getting their name out and gaining popularity for what they do, so for him to use his unique approach to benefit others is admirable.
He also creates music inspired paintings on canvas featuring exaggerated forms in soulful color schemes. I'm loving the female drummer!
His use of color, whimsical line and perspective give his work a rhythmic feel. At 24, he's really making a name for himself on a national level and that's impressive in the art world!
Check him out at or his blog